Kurt Cobain Newly Unearthed Interview

Dead City Beat release audio from an interview with Kurt Cobain dated September 20, 1991; just four days before the band released their album, Nevermind. Although the unedited interview is “terrible by all journalistic standards” is part of rock history and gives us some insight on how the late Nirvana frontman felt about rap; mainly white rappers.

The interview took place before Nirvana performed at Toronto’s Opera House and was conducted by a student for Western University’s campus radio station in London, Ontario by the name of Roberto Lorusso.

Listen to the entire interview below.

http://deadcitybeat.bandcamp.com/track/my-embarrassing-interview-with-kurt-cobain-sept-20-1991">My Embarrassing Interview With Kurt Cobain (Sept. 20, 1991) by Dead City Beat